City : London
Venue : The Islington
Address : 1 Tolpuddle Street London N1 0XT
Time : 19:30
Following Project αΩα’s launch back in April 2013, we are delighted to return with Act 2, presenting 9 new stories for your listening pleasure.
Project αΩα focusing on every gig having a completely different set list, Act 2 Scenes 1-9 will present totally different songs from the April 2013 Act 1 showcase
– material from the 1st album that has for a long while not featured in our set
– NEW never performed material which will feature on a 3rd CD
Looking forward to make this eventful for both who seen us before and anybody new, this event will also feature for the 1st time for EthnaMorte
– dance performer & choreographer Alina Laureola as vocalist. Most of you know her from dancing with EthnaMorte back in 2009 & as The Blackbird at Project αΩα’s launch last year.
– our guitarist El Gool playing guitar synths live to produce further sounds for your overall music trip
– Venus Raven, present at Project αΩα’s launch as performer, this time giving more performances as well as singing.
The Islington,
1 Tolpuddle Street, N1 0XT London (click for map)
Doors open at 730pm
EthnaMorte 830pm
Entry £5 (or £3 early bird pre-sale guest list) Get your ticket here
You can also RSVP/share the event at Facebook or Reverbnation