“La Courtisanne MacabraBelle”
(un-mastered teaser track)

Concept by Callus & Barbato
Lyrics – Lizabel & Callus; Translations – R. Ruchpaul
Music – Callus; Arrangements – Callus & Barbato
Female Vocals by Alina Laureola
Recorded & mixed by Tiberius Itu, March-May 2014

This teaser track is a preliminary un-mastered mix of a works in progress.
EthnaMorte have started tracking new songs in March 2014 for a 3rd full-length, which material will be showcased from time to time at our select Project αΩα shows.

If you like what you hear, please share this post and/or check our previous releases at ethnamorte.bigcartel.com

Thank you!