City : London
Venue : The Unicorn Camden Live
Address : 227 Camden Road, NW1 9AA London (Overground - Camden Road)
Time : 19:30
The launch of Project Alpha Omega Alpha, the 1st in a series of EthnaMorte performances showcasing the band’s past, present & future, will present you Act 1 Scenes 1-6.
This show will include tracks from their current release “Calling All Tribes”, others not performed live since 2011 & approximately 25mins of new material from the forthcoming yet untitled full-length.
Accompanying EthnaMorte as guest performers will be Naz Akara (vocals & artworks), Venus Raven (performance art) & Alina Laureola (dancing as The Blackbird).
The EthnaMorte CD “Calling All Tribes” (so far available only via our store), will be available in physical format at this performance!
The Unicorn Camden Live,
227 Camden Road, NW1 9AA London
Doors open at 7pm
EthnaMorte 8pm sharp
followed by Glasgow spacenauts The Cosmic Dead.
The current “Calling All Tribes” recently got the band this review
“First thing that I require from an album is to take me somewhere. If that doesn’t happen, then I really don’t care how technically able the band members are. I will only start to notice the details after the music has taken me there, that other side, wherever that may be.
Ethnamorte, are technically proficient but there is a feel in there which, if you allow it too, will take you there. And it did!
In fact, I only started to notice, what was going on musically upon the 3rd or 4th spin and thought to myself, they have feel, they have detail, they are very technically proficient, but they are not forcing the latter down my throat.” – Hairy Amp, Malta
The “Calling All Tribes” recordings (previewable at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NGS5g6JF7_M) will be available as CD at the show!
Accompanying EthnaMorte as guest performers will be Naz Akara (vocals & artworks), Venus Raven (performance art) & Alina Laureola (dancing as The Blackbird).
+ a surprise experiment that EthnaMorte have never done before! Be there as this will be a once-only!
Click the pics above for more info about each performer!
The Cosmic Dead
Formed in Glasgow, Scotland in early 2010, The Cosmic Dead will make this London appearance before appearing some days later at the esteemed Roadburn Festival in Holland. Check them out at http://thecosmicdead.bandcamp.com/
“The Cosmic Dead are four psychedelic warlords with a penchant for trippy, long-form grooves that summon the spirit of Komische legends such as Neu! and Can and the Space-Prog oscillations of Hawkwind, amongst other trance-inducing influences.” – Phantom Channel
“Spacial exploration rather than the psychiatric breakdown. There’s no hipster arched eyebrow here, no faux-intellectual exploration of unfashionable musical tropes.” – Cows are Just Food
“Amon Düül II wish they could have been this good. Truly trippy acid soaked psych-rock, free and fresh.” – 13th Note
“If the rings of Saturn could sing, this is the sound they would make.” – Zero Tolerance
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