Belt is-Seher (Tissabbat m’Alla Remix)
Further to a preview sent lately to all of our mailing list subscribers, here comes finally SANdBLASTING’s remix of our…
What Others have said – leave us your comment too
Some reviews of people who wrote in after listening to EthnaMorte live or on CD! Thank you to each and…
The Sunday Times, 11.11.2012 Times of Malta, 23.10.2011 The Sunday Circle, 10.10.2011 If you find EthnaMorte’s music suitable to a…
Reviews – Print, Online & Radio
“A London-based group who draw on an extensive set of Spanish, Middle Eastern and other ‘world music’ influences that echo,…
Promo Pack
Download our bio/EPK PDF version Reverbnation EPK For high resolution pics, please send a request to
EthnaMorte (bio o morte?)
The sound of EthnaMorte is a collection of different types of music from diverse corners of this world, hence the…
Who wants to design us a new logo/emblem &/or our next CD cover artwork?
Hi all, 2012 brings along with it some changes. First of which we intend replacing our current square emblem/logo to…
Guerilla Man – Main Vocals, Acting & Percussions
Ex-percussionist & vocalist for Dread Inna Babylon, one of Italy’s most renowned reggae acts still active to date and having…
El Gool – guitars, glissentar, loops, vocals, bass & synths
Co-founder of EthnaMorte back in Nov 2007, RGT (Registry of Guitar Tutors, London College of Music, University of West London)…
MUSOS WANTED – cello, double bass or bassist + synth player + female vocalist.
EthnaMorte are searching for > A synth player to add samples and pads to our sound (most urgently!!!) > A…
Venus Raven – Performance artist + vocals
Venus Raven, is a performance artist that started appearing for EthnaMorte since launching our Project Alpha Omega Alpha shows! Holding…
Alina Laureola – Multi-form dancer + vocals
First appearing with EthnaMorte back in 2009 (view pics here), international performer, teacher & choreographer Alina Laureola returns in full…
Xiaoying Chang – gu-zheng, backing vocals, hand percussions & ocarina
Chinese born Xiaoying Chang is the latest musician in the EthnaMorte camp. Having played the guzheng since age 4, she…
Naz Akara – Farsi vocals + live artworks
Hypnotherapist, painter & healer Naz Akara comes to EthnaMorte as a bridge to transmit the band’s sonic imprint also using…
Guitar/Bass/Music Theory Lessons by our El Gool (in London/online)
EthnaMorte’s guitar player Malcolm El Gool taking guitar, bass & music theory lesson bookings! All styles from kids’ or popular…
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Band & Fan Corner – Ask us Questions!
Welcome to our band & fan community corner, where EthnaMorte answers any of your questions. Q – Your recent band…
What Fans have Said
Some reviews of people who wrote in after listening to EthnaMorte live or on CD! Thank you to each and…
Gig With Us
In a band/solo & wanna support EthnaMorte, or can you get us on a bill at your local venue? If…
Comment about our website
Anything on the website that you find not working? Please let us know. Please also kindly include if accessing the…
Who is Who behind the Scenes?
EthnaMorte would like to thank the following individuals for their help over the years. Twan Sibon, Brutalism, website, logo/emblem, flyers’…
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